I have just leant that Zelda: The Twilight Princess has been delayed from it original year end 2005 release date to 2006. No specific date has been given for 2006. The reason given for this delay is that Nintendo want more time to develop this game to ensure that it is a "more enjoyable gaming experience". Nintendo have previously admitted that the rushed towards the end of making Zelda: The Wind Waker, which resulted in less dungeons and the necessity of includeing a rather boring sailing quest towards the end of the game to extend the life of the game.
On one hand I’m disappointed that this has been delayed. This is without a doubt the game that I am most looking forward to on any system and would have been at the very top of my Christmas list. On the other hand, if indeed the extra time required for development will make this abetter game, then I’m more than happy to wait that little bit longer.
It does, however, mean that the Christmas releases for the Gamecube look rather barren. Most of the games that I’m looking forward to most are infact due on the Nintendo DS.
It has also occurred to me that as the Revolution is due to launch sometime in 2006, that Nintendo may be tempted to transfer Zelda from the Gamecube to the Revolution. It wouldn’t be the first time that this has happened. Both Animal Crossing and Star Fox Adventures jumped platforms from the N64 to the Gamecube late in the N64’s life. Also, looking at some of the most recent screenshots for Zelda, it would appear as if a lot of characters are being shown on the screen at once, which may also indicate that they are looking at a high spec platform. Only time will tell.

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