Resistance 2

For the first Resistance, I really, really enjoyed the online multiplayer, but found the single player to be a bit lacking (especially towards the end). Surprisingly, for Resistance 2, the exact opposite applies.
I have been really enjoying the single player campaign and have found it to be aimed at just the right difficulty level. It is also a thrilling ride, although it does take itself a little too seriously at times and the big boss fights are a tad easy compared to other stages in the game. Unfortunately I just don’t seem to be able to get into the multiplayer. It could be that I never got in the beta and therefore I am so much worse than most other players, but to be honest I think that it’s more likely that it just doesn’t play as well as COD4, which is the last great online FPS which I’d played lots of.
I still haven’t tried the co-operative campaign which is wholly different to the single player and I have heard that this is great.
Mirrors Edge

I remember watching the initial trailer for this game and being shocked and impressed. Also, I loved the demo.
There is no denying that this is a game with brave concepts and overall it works very well, however, in my opinion there are a few slight flaws, but not enough to ruin an otherwise great game.
Mirrors Edge is at its best when you are running, be it running to evade the police, running across rooftops, or trying to reach far off areas. It is true that you will spend a fair amount of time falling to your death and retrying again and again, but when you nail a section it’s great.
Where it has issues is the combat, although this could probably be partly my fault. I wanted to complete the game without firing a gun (as is encouraged in the game), but the first person combat is pretty rubbish, and often you cannot avoid a fight, as such, this makes it incredibly hard. I would have preferred it if you could avoid all fights by running away (which is fun), forcing combat onto you is a tad annoying.
Overall though, I’ve really enjoyed.
Fallout 3

I am a Fallout virgin. I have never played any of the previous games in the series. In addition, I am also an Oblivion virgin, so really I was coming to this game pretty cold.
At first, I must admit that I was a little uncertain. It feels like it is trying to do two different things, be a first person shooter (or 3rd person if it takes your fancy) and also a role playing game, and at first these don’t seem to gel. After a little while, I managed to get into the swing of things.
I really like the freedom in the game you can go pretty much anywhere from the start and can help people, steal from them, or murder them, whatever takes your fancy. You can also tailor make your character however you want. Overall then I’m quite intrigued, although I’m only just beginning.
"I really like the freedom in the game you can go pretty much anywhere from the start and can help people, steal from them, or murder them, whatever takes your fancy. You can also tailor make your character however you want."
Welcome to the Western RPG - it's really not all about orcs & elves ;)
Fallout 1 was one of the best games for freedom, but with enough structure that you didn't get overwhelmed. Oblivion was too much for me though, I found the side-quests mediocre and the overly large world filled with an impressive number of unfortunately rather individually dull things. Mass Effect and Fable 2 were others that balanced it well. I'll be interested to find out how you find Fallout 3 after a bit more time, I'm still uncertain about it myself.
I'm not alien to western RPG's - although to be fair it is a long while since I played them (back in the old PC days)...
But yeah the orc and elves and other cliches always bug me.
I will let you know how I get on with Fallout idc - but I also still have some more to play on Resistance!
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