Okay - purchased World of Goo today and I have to say...
World of Goo rules!
This has to be by far the best downloadable game I have purchased this year... I'd also like to add that it is also one of the best puzzle games that I have played in a long, long time. It deserves all the praise that has been layed upon it.
It is just the type of game that suits the Wii perfectly, with simple (but very attractive) graphics, a control scheme which suits the system perfectly and gameplay which is accessable, yet incredibly deep. It also has to be said that the physics based gameplay is great. Why on earth can't anyone else get so much out of the Wii!
Anyway, won't rabbit on much more. But all I will say that this game is well worth the price. Anyone who has a Wii derserves to treat themselves to this game...
Well done 2D Boy, well done...

Yeah, I played a fair bit of the demo and it's a great game. I have too many other things to play right now but if I ever get time to finish the demo I'll probably buy it. Since I have the choice I'd get it on PC though given that it's single player (frees up the TV).
It is actually multiplayer (on the Wii only). On the PC it is solely single player, as you only have one mouse connected, but on the Wii, just grab another wiimote and you can have immediate co-op Goo.
I tried it co-op yesterday with Elliot and it was great fun...
So if you're into your co-op games, I'd probably recommend the Wii version.
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