Thursday, May 22, 2008

The news I've been waiting for...

Bioshock is official coming out on the PS3 and is due by the end of the year....


That will be on my birthday / Christmas list then...



Sinbad said...

Yay, it's a shame you missed out on this when it came out, it's great. The 'twist' is particularly good, even if the game does tail off a bit after that (3/4 through) it's still great.

Seems like everyone's queueing things up for the late part of the year though - surely since Bioshock is Unreal based it's pretty easy to get it on PS3 sooner rather than later, now they've decided? Seems like *everything* is happening at the end of the year...

Bazlurgan said...

Yeah - definately looking forward to it.

It's normally the same with most games, they always aim for quarter 4 to catch Christmas, which is a shame really as some of the smaller games normally get eaten up by the bigger releases.

Then again, these last few months (and next couple) also have a good few big releases...